Putting all that aside, today we managed to take a break and go out to the market. Our intent was just to go out an pick up a few final things for Christmas presents before we come back to the states for vacation, but we happened to find something for us as well. It just so happens our favorite wood carver had a treat for us. He very often manages to have things that are different than everyone else and today was no exception.

Segun said that his father carved this. It is made of one solid piece of king ebony (very solid, this thing is heavy!) and it is a really nice piece. I think the detail is really nice and it was something that really stood out.

I love the wonderful things that we find here. Josie is not sure how some of our African things are going to be used when we move from Nigeria, but I really like them. One day I hope to have a study where I can have neat things like this that I have collected from all over the world.